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New Guardian's Guide website launches

Buckinghamshire Council has launched a unique website to support people who may be taking on the role of a Special Guardian in a child or young person's life. The innovative ‘Guardian’s Guide’ website – makes it easy for guardians and parents involved in Special Guardianship Orders to gain access to a variety of helpful information, advice and support.

A special guardian is a person who looks after a child or young person who cannot live with their birth parents or who isn't suitable for adoption. The child can maintain a relationship with their birth family, but the guardian – usually a family member – is responsible for looking after the child and all day-to-day decisions until they are 18.

In Buckinghamshire the number of children being cared for by special guardians is rising every year. The number of Special Guardianship Orders being granted for Buckinghamshire children is currently outstripping the number of Adoption Orders, so having easy, accessible information for people new to Special Guardianship is vital.

Anita Cranmer, Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services said:

“Our new Guardian’s Guide website is a fantastic resource, with videos and guides on all sorts of topics, and information about how we can help. We have a wide range of support available for special guardians, from groups and newsletters to specialist support around contact and behaviour, as well as play therapy and life story sessions for the children involved.

“We are here for special guardians right from their very first day and every day afterwards. We want them to know that we are always here to give support and guidance. They can contact us with any questions, no matter how big or small, no judgement. If it matters to you, it matters to us.

“If you know of someone already involved in a Special Guardianship Order, please encourage them to connect with us so they can access the support and assistance that we have available.”

Explore the new Guardian’s Guide at:



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