The aim of the grant funding scheme is to provide financial support to local groups in respect of specified projects which benefit Wendover residents and add value to current activities available to the local community.
The Council has two categories of grants:
Minor Grants – applications up to £1000, applications can be made throughout the year
Major Grants – Applications over £1000 to a maximum of £5000.
All applications are reviewed by the Finance Committee in February. Applicants are then notified and the grants are awarded in April.
Wendover Parish Council cannot consider applications from profit making organisations, projects or fund-raising activities or political parties. Further information in terms of eligibility, grant amounts and timelines can be found in the Wendover Parish Council Grants Policy below.
In the first instance an application form will need to be completed and submitted to Wendover Parish Council. The application form can be found below, you can download and fill the form in digitally or print it out and fill it out by hand.
DEADLINES FOR MAJOR GRANTS: 4pm Mon 10th February 2025
The Council considers minor grants throughout the year but when the budget is gone the applications will close.
Please email the completed form to clerk@wendover-pc.gov.uk
or post to
The Clock Tower
High Street,
Wendover, Aylesbury
Buckinghamshire, HP22 6DU
Details below regarding grants awarded in recent years:
Wendover Dementia Support - £5000 to support ongoing running of the operation for the year, including the weekly Monday club café
St Mary's Church - £4000 to upgrade of projector and a/v system for community and church services
Wendover Action Group - £2000 to continue provision of the Community Bus
Wendover Memorial Hall - £4000 contribution to replacement of wooden flooring
WAVUS - £750 to complete a "conversational English" programme
Friends of Guiding - £1000 to support the replacement of kitchen in guide hut
Chiltern Creative Writers - £520 to run a young creative writing workshop
HS2 MAG - £750 to support the HS2 meeting
St Anne's Hall - £2000 to resurface the entrance ramp of the hall
Wendover Action Group - £3000 running costs for the Community Car
Wendover Memorial Hall - £2250 for new curtains and railings in the main hall
Wendover Free Church - £2900 to upgrade the path to the Church building
St Mary's Church -£4000 to automate the main entrance doors at the Church
Wendover & Villages Ukrainian Support - £500 for launch event, start up costs including website.
Wendover Singers - £644.80 for setting up a children's Choir.
Wendover Cricket Club - £1700 coaching training for new volunteers
Wendover Memorial Hall - £4900 new PA system for the hall
John Hampden School - £1000 to provide learning packs for children whilst home schooling during the COVID pandemic
Wendover Dementia Support - £3000 for training and Café hall hire
Climate Action Wendover - £568.45 to plant trees in Walnut Tree Meadow
Climate Action Wendover - £262.60 set up costs relating to insurance, website and room hire
St Anne's Church - £1000 to create a garden with seating at rear of church
Wendover Celebrates - £5000 to host the next Wendover Celebrates event in June 2022
Friends of Wendover Library - £1408 to reprint the local walking leaflets
Friends of Wendover Library - £750.00 new Wendover Arm Canal walking leaflet
Wendover Dementia Action Alliance - £5000 to purchase a Omivista and Mobii Interactive Projector, known as a Magic Table.
Lindengate - £2097 to purchase three iPads to support their Social and Therapeutic Horticultural Team
Wendover Action Group - £2000 to cover costs to run the Wendover Community Car
Wendover Dementia Support - £2000 to cover start-up costs in relation to training and room hire
Wendover Youth Centre - £5000 to support youth services in Wendover
Jack in the Box - £990 for outdoor storage and safety helmets
Look for a Book – £1000 to purchase 600 books to operate the Wendover Look for a Book Project
Wendover Community Singers - £1000 set up costs to establish a Community Singers group.
Minutes detailing the decision making of grants can be found on our Agendas and Minutes page.