Wendover Parish Council is consulted on some planning applications by Buckinghamshire Council (BC). The Planning Committee meet up to twice per month to consider applications within the deadline set by BC. Agendas for these meetings set out which applications are being considered for comment by the Parish Council and are published on this website as well as the noticeboards in the village. WPC only receives those applications BC wishes them to consult on. The Parish Council has no authority over the final decision and can only make a comment to either support, remain neutral or object to the application.
WPC can only comment on “Material Considerations” such as:-
Overlooking/loss of privacy
Loss of light or overshadowing
Highway safety
Effect on listed building and conservation area
Layout and density of building
Design, appearance and materials
Government policy
Disabled persons’ access
Proposals in the Development Plan
Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
Nature conservation
More information regarding this can be found at https://www.planningportal.co.uk
It is strongly advisable to make your individual comments known to Buckinghamshire Council by writing to them or by commenting on the Planning Portal on their website:
BC Planning Portal Application Search
To comment:
Enter the application reference and click “search”. At the top left you will see a button “make a comment“ click here and fill out the details then “submit” using the green button at the bottom.
The postal address for comments is:
BC Planning Dept
The Gateway
Gatehouse Road
HP19 8FF