The Planning Inspectorate supports the Government’s aim for every area in England to have an adopted local plan.
A local plan sets out local planning policies and identifies how land is used, determining what will be built where. Adopted local plans provide the framework for development across England.
In line with Government Guidelines on increasing the number of new homes the draft VALP 2016 has a requirement to provide approximately 30,000 houses from now until 2033. The quota of these houses has been spread between towns and villages in Aylesbury Vale. Wendover was allocated a housing requirement of 834 homes – increasing the current housing stock by 25%.
Two potential sites were found and rejected by BC and that alongside the forthcoming closure of RAF Halton and the Government’s Recent Housing Paper, Wendover Parish Council has withdrawn its response to the draft Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) in order to allow the recently launched Neighbourhood Plan to “lead on planning for Wendover.”