What is an allotment?
An allotment is a piece of land, which has been provided by WPC for rent, for growing fruit and vegetables for you and your family/friends. You can also keep a small number of chickens, quails and/or rabbits.
You may not use your allotment for trade or business of any kind, camping or staying overnight.
Why would I want an allotment?
It is recognised by WPC that allotment gardening can be a very rewarding pastime and can make a valuable contribution to the quality and health of people’s lives. They are also important as recreational assets and can be a social activity. They also provide valuable green open space important for biodiversity.
Allotment sites
WPC has two allotment sites in Wendover, one is located in Hogtrough Lane and the other is at London Road.
Who can have an allotment?
Anyone who lives within the boundary of Wendover Parish can apply for an allotment. Consideration to applicants outside of the area boundary will only be given if the applicant lives in a parish that does not have its own allotment provision and if there is no waiting list of Wendover Parish residents.
Waiting lists
WPC will keep a waiting list of people interested in renting an allotment, so that when one becomes available it will be offered to the person that has been waiting the longest within the catchment area. A member of WPC will arrange a convenient time for you to visit the plot before you commit to an agreement.
Apply for an allotment
To apply for an allotment download an application form below and send it to us via email estates@wendover-pc.gov.uk or print it out and post it to Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover, Bucks, HP22 6DU
Rain Water Harvesters
WPC have designed, constructed and installed rain water harvesters for both allotments sites, the project aim was to reduce Wendover's water footprint by collecting and reusing rainwater to maintain the plants, shrubs and trees being planted.
WPC were also contacted by Climate Action Wendover (CLAW) asking for help to create them a rain water harvester for their Wendover Wildbelt, a biodiverse green space in Wendover, which once established will be a community space, used for workshops on biodiversity for residents.

WPC would like to thank Wendover and Villages Community Board for their support and funding towards the rain water harvesters for London Road Allotments and CLAW.