The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax collected by the District Council (AVDC).
Income and expenditure for the next financial year is calculated by the Parish Council in November, the precept demand is then sent to the billing authority.
Examples of projects and works that are reviewed during the precept process by the Parish Council include:
· Providing and maintaining allotments
· Providing and maintaining open spaces including installing and maintaining play equipment
· Managing and supporting local events and festivals
· Providing and maintaining street lighting in residential areas (excluding the main highways)
· Maintenance of some rights of way
· Devolved Services such has grass and verge cutting in 30mph areas
The precept calculations for April 2020 to March 2021 were approved by the Parish Councillors at the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 3rd December 2019. The precept was advised at £317,500 which equates a 2.2% rise or £2.07 rise to a Band D property over the whole year.
Earmarked projects for 2020/21 include:
Replacing the white entrance point gates, a new hedge for Witchell car park, Hampden Pond improvements, a new path as Ashbrook open space, creating a wildflower area along Tring Road and the creation of a Wendover App to support visitors, business and residents.
Don’t forget progress on our projects will be discussed at our Parish Council meetings. Meeting dates along with agendas and minutes can be found on our website.