A message from EKFB:
Please find attached an updated notice advising of our watermain works taking place on Dobbins Lane and Chiltern Road in March.
A small section of Chiltern Road will be temporarily closed from 6th March at the junction with Dobbins Lane to carry out works on the watermain in that location, the works will continue on Dobbins lane from Monday 13th March. These works will be undertaken by Clancy, our utilities subcontractor and not Thames Water as you may have previously read. During these works the road closures will be in place 24 hours a day as there will be open excavations, a pedestrian walking route will be maintained. The reason for the works is to ensure water pressure is maintained in Wendover as we establish a mains connection to our compound adjacent to the Wendover bypass. Further details are contained in the attached document.
There will be further road and lane closures in the area through February and March, more information will be provided in due course once the planning of these works have been completed. To stay informed of our works and to keep up to date with any impacts to local roads don’t forget to register for email updates on the HS2 website which gives you a choice of how you would like to receive information from us. To find out more, visit your community website at www.hs2.org.uk/in-your-area/
If you have any questions about HS2 or the works please contact the HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk