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View from the Chair | July

Wendover Parish Council continues to be committed to a “business as usual” approach during this time of pandemic. The Clock Tower remains unattended for most of the time, it’s hard to think of a building less suited for staff social distancing than the Clock Tower, but the work of the council goes on. The Thursday market is back. It’s a bit different to the usual bustling free for all but I think it’s a milestone on the path back to normality. Most of the tasks that keep Wendover safe and tidy are being carried out by our grounds team and hanging baskets and flowers are perking up the village centre and the approaches.

Council meetings are taking place on screens rather than face to face and they are no less lively or productive for that. Council is changing with some members stepping down and new, co-opted, members joining. This kind of change will bring new skills, opinions and thoughts, and so look out for a flurry of ideas being put into practice.

One such idea, from a newish councillor Steve Campbell, is to construct a time capsule with features relating to the COVID-19 crisis. These are momentous times and a community record of where we are now, and where we’ve been, should be of great interest to people in the future. You will no doubt hear much more of this as we ask for community input.

One member leaving the council is Cllr Robert Duggan, the former chairman. As chairman he helped to set the council on the path to be the organisation that it is today. He and I have been friends for thirty odd years, and we joined WPC on the same day ten years ago. Robert will continue to be active in the community, but I and the other councillors shall miss him at council meetings.

Tom Walsh

Chairman of Wendover Parish Council



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