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July | View from the Chair

Wendover WI planter outside Istanbul

WPC is always looking at possible improvements to the look of Wendover, the facilities we offer and sustainability. One project that we’re researching at the moment seems to tick all three of these boxes. We want to refurbish the area next to the clocktower, where the water fountain once was. As an area it could look great and provide a source of portable water for those with their own water bottles, which could reduce the plastic usage in the Parish. Wherever I mention this idea I get really positive comments. So, let’s hope we can get this one done.

By now the Best Kept Village judges have run the rule over Wendover again. Fingers crossed for another successful outcome. I’d like to thank all our staff and councillors who have worked hard to make Wendover look it’s best. Most of all I’d like to thank the business owners, the individuals and the organisations who have helped. Particularly the Wendover WI who have taken on the planting outside Istanbul. Thanks.

It is unfortunate that the Wendover Chamber of Commerce and Trade has had to cease operations. Wendover business’s may well need a voice during the construction of HS2. The WPC has resolved to designate a business champion, Cllr. Nicky Gregory has taken on the roll, and we will be talking to some business leaders about their issues.


Tom Walsh



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