Closing Date: Friday 24th March

Over a number of consultations, Wendover Parish Council has looked at how the space on the Manor Waste can be used to serve the Parish and improve the local area.
We have had many ideas come through the consultations and have refined those ideas into a set of 5 aims with linked projects. We are now seeking your views as to which of those projects you agree with, so we can proceed.
Please follow the below link to complete the consultation online:
Or download the below pdf document to print the consultation forms:
Download Manor Waste Consultation
We are also running in person sessions:
Wendover Library
Tuesday 7th - Friday 24th March
Wendover Thursday Market
9th and 16th March between 11am - 2pm
Please return your completed form to Wendover Parish Council before Friday 24th March 2023 via post or email:
Post: The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, HP22 6DU
Email: estates@wendover-pc.gov.uk