Works update
· The Ellesborough Road diversion cannot be brought into service due to UK Power Networks cables that still need to be moved. The old road will be reopened with traffic lights to control use of a single carriageway for an undefined time.
· The “Utility Services Bridge” beside Ellesborough Road has been installed to handle Thames Water pipes, but these cannot be moved until the traffic has been diverted onto the new road.
· The most southerly pier of the Small Dean Viaduct has been completed next to the A413 with the installation of its “hammerhead”.
· The installation of a water main over Folly Bridge is ongoing, but there is no date currently available for the reopening of the PRoW between Dobbins Lane and the Station Approach Business Estate.
February WPC activity
· WPC holds fortnightly update meetings with HS2 and EKFB; and raised issues about public use of PRoWs during proposed works in the fields at the end of Dobbins Lane. EKFB have also agreed to support the “Make Wendover Smile” initiative.
· A WPC Public Meeting is now being proposed in June to provide a half year progress update for the points raised at the November event.
· Nine public issues were handled in the month; mainly resulting from night-time construction noise at Nash Lee Lane and several formal HS2 land access notices for extended surveying work.
Current Issues
· A water issues review was held with EKFB, with updates planned quarterly. While monitoring results are now available the EA is concerned about water levels in the Nash Lee area and is seeking additional monitoring points and extension of the proposed wall around the North Cutting. EKFB’s hydrogeologist reported that an Artesian Well could provide additional water into Hampden Pond, based on his knowledge of local groundwater conditions. However, a formal survey would be needed to establish the feasibility. In the absence of Artesian pressure a pumped well would also work.
· EKFB’s new Community Engagement team are still coming up to speed with Wendover specific concerns, extending the response times for raised issues.
· We are investigating the design of the proposed “catenary” overhead power lines that will be visible above the HS2 track in the light of “rescoping” of the procurement by HS2 to reduce costs.
27th February ‘24